1. How to use this learning platform
How can you best use your new learning platform E-WASHBOARD - either on a computer or on a smartphone? Take this course first to familiarise yourself with the learning platform.
2. Introduction to the industry
In this course you will learn information about the history and importance of our field. What are the differences between laundry and dry cleaning? How important a role does teamwork play in this field? How do laundries and dry cleaners help save nature?

3. How to stay healthy
In this course, you will learn how to take care of yourself not only when working in a laundry and dry cleaning, which is often associated with higher physical exertion, but also in your personal life.

4. Professional appearance
A professional appearance towards customers has a high signal effect, especially in the textile cleaning industry. Learn more about how to appear professional by sending the right signals with the right clothes and personal charisma.
5. Communication in the workplace
You cannot not communicate. Of course, this also applies to the workplace. That's why this course gives you interesting facts and practical tips on how to communicate better with customers, colleagues and bosses.

6. Reception of goods
When the goods are received, a decision is made about how to handle the laundry. In this course, you will learn more about the properties of fabrics and textile products and you will also become familiar with the care symbols.

7. Sorting
In this course we are going to learn how to sort the laundry. Remove unwanted items from the laundry. Learn to recognise various basic stains and damage.
We conclude with optical measuring devices that can help count/sort the textiles.

8. Preparing the batch
In this course we go a little deeper into what actions you can do to prepare the batch properly so that we obtain the best possible stain removal.
Here we make a difference between dry cleaning, continuous batch washer and washing machines.

9. Handling chemical products
Which safety measures should be taken when handling detergents and solvents and how can you protect yourself as best as possible? In this course we go into more detail about the possible dangers of detergents and solvents.
10. Filling machines
In this course, you will learn how to properly fill washing and chemical machine and why it is important to follow the instructions for proper filling. Video demonstrations from real operations are used to acquire the necessary skills.

11. Use of detergents and solvents
In this course, we will go a little deeper into detergents and solvents. How do they work? What properties do they have?
We always make the reflection to household products because this is already more familiar.

12. Program selection
In this course, you will learn the tasks of operating washing and dry cleaning machines when choosing a suitable program for washing and dry cleaning. Video demonstrations from real operations are used to acquire the necessary skills.

13. Unloading machines
In this course, you will learn how the process of unloading laundry from the washing and chemical machine takes place. Video demonstrations from real operations are used to acquire the necessary skills.

14. The finishing process
After the washing or dry cleaning process, the textiles need to be brought back into their
usual level of quality. This course explains the underlying processes and introduces, among other things, the care labels for finishing.

15. Ironing
When ironing, textiles are smoothed with the help of heat, pressure and moisture. But what types of ironing tables and devices are there? And which techniques are to be used? This course gives you an overview.

16. Flat work Ironer
Flat work ironers are used to process flat linen. In this course you will learn how flat work ironers work and how they can best be used.

17. Tunnel Finisher
In order to bring a large number of textiles back into shape, tunnel finishers are often used. This course explains the processes and what has to be considered when using the machines.